Opened 10 months ago

Closed 10 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#97 closed task (fixed)

F2024C00396 Designated fluorinated chemicals

Reported by: Mike Dewhirst Owned by:
Priority: medium Version: 2.x
Keywords: fluorinated chemicals rules april-2024 Cc:


The definition has changed so we need to update the help-text and possibly the field label. The answer will still be Yes or No so no change to the software.

Designated fluorinated chemical means an industrial chemical that contains a sequence of atoms (whether linear, branched or cyclic) to which all of the following paragraphs apply:

(a) subject to paragraph (b), the sequence consists only of at least 4, but no more than 20, fluorinated carbon atoms, none of which are fluorinated carbon atoms+ that are part of conjugated double bonds;

(b) if the sequence is broken in any place, the break consists only of a single atom or single substituted atom;

(c) the sequence includes at least one perfluorinated methyl group (CF3) or perfluorinated methylene group (CF2).

+ fluorinated carbon atom means a carbon atom attached to at least one fluorine atom.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Mike Dewhirst, 10 months ago

Expert chemistry advice is required here before changing anything.

comment:2 by Mike Dewhirst, 10 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Refactored to use Designated Fluorinated everywhere

comment:3 by Mike Dewhirst, 9 months ago

Summary: Designated fluorinated chemicalsF2024C00396 Designated fluorinated chemicals
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