Custom Query (120 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3 Auto-removal of irrelevant notes Mike Dewhirst defect high 0.9.x fixed
#11 Auto-generate chemical Notes for document management Mike Dewhirst enhancement high 0.9.x fixed
#20 Summary report is not removing excluded introductions Mike Dewhirst defect high 1.x fixed
#21 current_year() method needs review Mike Dewhirst task high 1.x fixed
#24 Salt and/or ester parent identification algorithm not guaranteed defect high 1.x fixed
#55 Add latest AIIC inventory changes to 30 March 2023 task high 1.x fixed
#58 AICIS Inventory De-listed chemicals enhancement high 1.x fixed
#84 AICIS Inventory 2 Jan 2024 snapshot task high 1.x fixed
#85 Six AICIS additions to inventory notified on 31 Jan 2024 task high 1.x fixed
#88 AICIS Inventory 29 Feb 2024 notified changes task high 2.x fixed
#120 Prevent token decrement for system saves defect high 3.x fixed
#2 Salt and/or ester parent hazards are created even when Note title says 'Not applicable' defect medium 0.9.x wontfix
#4 During testing charging is initiated without selecting Introduction report Mike Dewhirst defect medium 1.x fixed
#5 More AICIS statuses required for Chemintro users enhancement medium 0.9.x fixed
#6 Checklist support for AICIS assessment certificate applications Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 0.9.x fixed
#8 Implement HTMX in the Admin enhancement medium 2.x wontfix
#10 Remove spurious link in welcome email Mike Dewhirst defect medium 0.9.x fixed
#12 Copy a detected URL into the Link URL field when converting a Note to a Useful Link enhancement medium 0.9.x fixed
#13 Assessment checklists coming up unbidden defect medium 0.9.x invalid
#14 Render to string error defect medium 0.9.x fixed
#15 Add equivalent tests to the OECD tests specified by AICIS Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#16 Eliminate the need to save twice when converting a note to a link enhancement medium 1.x wontfix
#17 Consultant/Client management system enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#18 Server upgrade task medium 1.x fixed
#19 New AICIS year requires unit testing dates to be adjusted by a year task medium 1.x fixed
#22 Review archived introductions enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#23 Auto-add polymer record if polymer is in the chemical name enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#25 MOU for chemical supplier Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#26 Add Cosmetic Ingredient Review to the list of useful links enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#27 Provable correctness test with salt or ester parents is producing an extra note defect medium 1.x fixed
#28 Change the default for nano-material Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#29 New category Reported 10kg Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#30 Prevent 'Unknown' physical state when chemical volume > 10kg task medium 1.x fixed
#31 Provide lookup for EU and USA restricted cosmetic ingredients enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#32 Detect Fluorine in a chemical enhancement medium 0.9.x duplicate
#33 Detect inorganic salt enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#34 Add EUR-Lex and US eCFR cosmetic lists to reference data enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#35 Refactor introduction.categorisation to introduction.circumstances task medium 1.x fixed
#36 Mechanism to opt for REPORTED10KG category enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#37 Detect hazards which disqualify a chemical from "Reported <= 10 kg - Low risk" enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#38 New Useful link pointing to REPORTED10KG checklists enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#39 REPORTED10KG Pre-Introduction Report enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#40 Cosmetic prohibition and restriction enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#41 Repair AICIS useful links defect medium 1.x fixed
#42 Change is_inorganic() method to default to None if no molecular formula Mike Dewhirst defect medium 1.x fixed
#43 Implement HTMX in the website enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#46 Flavour and fragrance blend proposal Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#47 Product branding proposal Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#48 Revert Nano default from Not known to No task medium 1.x fixed
#49 Revert Readily biodegradable default from No to Yes task medium 1.x fixed
#50 Auto-collect data Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x wontfix
#51 Clarification of AICIS flavour/fragrance blend guidance task medium 1.x wontfix
#52 Flavour and fragrance blend categorisation task medium 1.x fixed
#53 Embed AIIC inventory for local searching enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#54 Produce video instructions for using Chemintro task medium 1.x fixed
#56 Upgrade infrastructure task medium 1.x fixed
#57 Prevent chemically modified plant extract chemical enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#59 Process contents of AICIS email of 29 June 2023 - Rotterdam Convention task medium 1.x fixed
#60 Process contents of AICIS email of 26 September 2022 task medium 1.x fixed
#61 AICIS Inventory changes to 29 June 2023 Mike Dewhirst task medium 1.x fixed
#63 AICIS Evaluations (18) published 26 June 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#64 Automate updating of AIIC Inventory notes task medium 1.x fixed
#65 Process contents of AICIS email of 28 July 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#66 AICIS notified inventory changes 24 August 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#67 Process HCIS update from SWA notified on 5 Sep 2023 task medium 1.x wontfix
#69 Produce MOU for listed chemicals enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#70 AICIS Rules proposed changes and draft exposure task medium 1.x invalid
#71 Bulk import and Listing report Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#72 Refactor AICIS listing note mechanism for batch operation Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#74 Provide a notification service for AICIS inventory updates enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#75 Segregate the different circumstances of Exempted for the AICIS Annual Report task medium 1.x fixed
#76 AICIS published Inventory changes notified by email on 30 October 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#79 AICIS published Inventory changes notified by email on 30 November 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#80 AICIS published Inventory changes notified by email on 19 December 2023 task medium 1.x fixed
#81 Provide Product linkage for bulk chemical import enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#82 Review and update Terms to cover changes task medium 1.x fixed
#83 Useful link needs NYA tag enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#86 AICIS additions to their High Hazards list of chemicals task medium 1.x fixed
#87 Add a NYA note to a chemical if it is mentioned in Rotterdam, Stockholm or Minamata enhancement medium 1.x fixed
#89 AICIS March 2024 updates email task medium 2.x fixed
#90 F2024C00396 Environment and health exposure volume calculations task medium 2.x fixed
#91 F2024C00396 Revise INCI eligibility rule task medium 2.x fixed
#92 F2024C00396 Written undertaking relaxation for Listed chemicals/blends - Subsection 46(1) Mike Dewhirst task medium 2.x duplicate
#93 F2024C00396 Chemical information holder when introducer does not know enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#94 F2024C00396 Manufactured soap enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#95 F2024C00396 Flavour or fragrance blend introductions enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#96 F2024C00396 Controlled use circumstances for Health band 1 enhancement medium 2.x
#97 F2024C00396 Designated fluorinated chemicals task medium 2.x fixed
#98 F2024C00396 Australian PBT criteria enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#99 F2024C00396 New methods for calculating environment and health categorisation volumes enhancement medium 2.x worksforme
#100 Esters and salts in April 2024 Mike Dewhirst enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#101 F2024C00396 Rework skin sensitivity test results required per Guidelines 6.14.2 enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#102 F2024C00396 Rework skin irritation to restrict the in vitro study results to exposure bands 3 or 4 enhancement medium 2.x fixed
#103 New list of High-Hazard chemicals to be processed task medium 2.x fixed
#104 AICIS April 2024 Inventory changes task medium 2.x fixed
#105 Auto consumer end-use for cosmetics task medium 2.x fixed
#106 AICIS May 2024 Inventory changes task medium 2.x fixed
#107 AICIS July 2024 email updates task medium 3.x fixed
#108 Rework chemical volume calcs for tiny quantities enhancement medium 3.x fixed
#109 API has changed task medium 3.x fixed
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