#36 closed enhancement (fixed)

Mechanism to opt for REPORTED10KG category

Reported by: Mike Dewhirst Owned by:
Priority: medium Version: 1.x
Keywords: reported10kg circumstances Cc:


The software might initiate REPORTED10KG categorisation based on chemical volume.

However, the reasons for letting a chemical naturally fall into its "natural" category versus opting for the new REPORTED10KG depend on non-characteristic circumstances and therefore cannot be known by the software.

The Introduction record has a Circumstances field with various selections nominated by the legislation and which determine different paths through the categorisation rules.

We will add the latest "Reported <= 10kg - low risk. Optional" among the other Section 27 selections.

This will initiate processing via the new rules.

If the processing cannot allow the REPORTED10KG category, the Circumstances field will be blanked-out and normal categorisation into Exempted, Reported or Assessed will proceed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Mike Dewhirst, 17 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

This is now done and working.

Additionally, a note "Reported <= 10 kg, Low risk" is automatically created when that is selected in the Circumstances field. It details any aspects (in the new Rules) of the categorisation which triggered disqualification from that category.

For a successful categorisation as "Reported <= 10 kg, Low risk", the note still gets created but it adds one other aspect of the Rules which the software does not check. That is Section 27(6)(g)(i) and (ii) and 27(7) and the created note reads ...

One condition for 'Reported <= 10kg - low risk' which the software has NOT checked
is whether AICIS has cancelled an assessment certificate for the chemical or removed
the Inventory listing - no matter who held the certificate or was covered by the 

You should research this via the AICIS Useful links

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