Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#50 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Auto-collect data

Reported by: Mike Dewhirst Owned by: Mike Dewhirst
Priority: medium Version: 1.x
Keywords: data collection Cc:


This has been done before (in SharedSDS) where public websites can provide various data to assist authors of SDSs.

It is somewhat problematic for Chemintro because AICIS insists that information used for categorisation is original for the chemical concerned and if you didn't derive it yourself, then you must have permission from the originator to not only use it but also to show AICIS if they ask.

We have a recent indication however that such data would in any case be useful. Hence we will develop some auto-collection and report results in chemical notes with an appropriate disclaimer.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Mike Dewhirst, 2 years ago

Owner: set to Mike Dewhirst
Priority: lowmedium
Status: assignedaccepted

comment:2 by Mike Dewhirst, 2 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: acceptedclosed

Closing this this ticket as 'unwanted'.

The recent indication mentioned above has been withdrawn by the person who made it.

It was more of a general complaint about the difficulties of coaxing information from overseas information holders. It turns out that the Memorandum of Understanding approach we pioneered is proving adequate in practice.

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