Opened 6 months ago

Closed 5 months ago

#112 closed enhancement (fixed)

Write an email after a subscription

Reported by: Mike Dewhirst Owned by:
Priority: medium Version: 3.x
Keywords: billing subscribing subscription subscribe Cc:

Description (last modified by Mike Dewhirst)

The Stripe response is not our exact response to subscribing. We need to send an email which provides links for visiting the customer's account and indicating other necessary accounting information - to be detailed in comments below.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Mike Dewhirst, 5 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

The basic initial response is complete. We use a templated mechanism which displays the success information on a web page and simultaneously emails it to the email address entered by the subscriber. That email address actually defaults to the one entered at registration.

There is more to do so this ticket remains open for more refined responses ...

  • adjustments to the subscription higher or lower - but still above what has been consumed
  • adjustments even lower than already consumed need to be discussed to ensure intentions are understood rather than blindly computed
  • cancellation of subscription

Additionally, we might need to cater for users preferring to subscribe directly rather than through Stripe. That will require a separate ticket.

comment:2 by Mike Dewhirst, 5 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Test '4242424242424242'

Climate Pty Ltd
t/a Chemintro

ACN 006733026
ABN 41006733026
+61 (0)3 9034 3977

PO Box 308
Mt Eliza
Vic 3930

ABC Australia Pty Ltd

Thank you for subscribing. You are paying AUD$22.00 per month for 100 chemicals including support. We trust we can satisfy your AICIS information management requirements.

Paid by: Mike Dewhirst

Your Chemintro subscription account is maintained by Stripe, our banking gateway service provider. To view your account at any time, login and click our home page Subscribe button. Scroll down to see the account link.

It also appears on the (Billing) Token page where your Chemintro usage is documented.
That link will ask for your email address. Use the one you entered when registering with Chemintro and which was offered as a default when subscribing.

After submitting your email address, Stripe will send you a message with an account login button.

Here is the same Chemintro customer portal link:

Best regards

Chemintro support

Test '4242424242424242'

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